About me

I am an animation graduate looking to  stand out as an exemplary animation studio with Kyro Studios. thanks to its adept incorporation of multiple subjects such as neurodiversity, the trials and tribulations of superheroes, action/adventure and postmodernism. Unique to this particular animation studio, KYRO STUDIOS has the ability to delve into the bleak despair characteristic of modernist portrayals, akin to a neuro inclusive landscape through consistent text on the screen and clear descriptive dialogue for the visually impaired. KYRO STUDIOS utilizes postmodern elements to present Imaginative and spectacular worlds. Some of these worlds are totally fictional while others serve as a plausible outcome should society neglect an array of pressing issues. KYRO STUDIOS purpose and strengths lies not only in its narrative approach but also in its profound impact on both neurotypical and non neuro diverse audiences.

My Mission: KYRO STUDIOS emerges as a perfect animation powerhouse, marking a pivotal moment when its viewers discovered that animation could serve as both therapy and motivation in their lives. The heroic iconography of the characters in my narratives transcends mere entertainment, offering a source of inspiration and hope. The strategic use of frame and pose replication enhances KYRO STUDIOS marketability, fostering anticipation among audiences who are eagerly engaged with the creator’s (mine) exploits (through a gallery/museum section so they can know, like and trust me).

My Vision: This emotional connection with KYRO STUDIOS extends beyond the screen, translating into a lucrative market for merchandise. The recycling of neurodiverse, superheroes, action/adventure postmodernist and non-postmodernist elements and many more contributes to a sense of unity and appreciation, emphasizing the profound value of the animated interpretation of narratives. In essence, KYRO STUDIOS mastery of multifaceted storytelling not only entertains but also imparts crucial messages about responsibility and the potential consequences of neglecting the outcome of positivity in critical situations.

I have worked with the following: GLYPT(training for acting from beginner to expert), SEP(educational charity work) The Albany (hosting my own exhibition)  and Prince's Trust (Summer Programme in the art of film making).

My core values

In this section, you should share benefits and provide more information to engage with visitors. The more people engage with your content, the more likely they are to take action.

Value 1

To ensure a message of value can be interpretated and applied from all my content.

Value 2

Provide high quality orders for clients and be transparent on the time required.

Value 3

Promise to update Mailing List content monthly.

Value 4

Consistent check up of my emails.

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'KyrOdyssey' – Commanding Paid Webinar Course which Unvails Insight into the Unseen Depths of My (Kyro's) Works. Reserve Your Seat Now! 

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